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Our Yacht & Services 

Nextwave Charters - offers a wide selection of yacht for charter in Hong Kong and Macau. 


Explore - Enjoy - Lifestyle - Exclusive Yachts
探索 - 享受 - 生活方式 - 獨家遊艇

Luxury Yacht 豪華遊艇

Western Cruiser 西式遊艇

Junk 中式遊艇

Sailing Boat 帆船

House Boat 船屋

Macau Charter 澳門租船

Fly & Yacht  海陸空套餐

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Nextwave Charters

A: Shop B4 Marina Cove Shopping Centre, 380 Hiram's Highway, Sai Kung, N.T., Hong Kong.

T: +852 2335 0688  |  E:


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All Photos, Video, VR is copyright of Nextwave not allow to download for Marketing Purposes.

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